Welcome to the home of the Lassen Youth Football League Grizzlies! The mission of the Lassen Football Organization located in Susanville, California is to provide a formal sports program for the youth between the ages of 5 and 14 years old or up to 8th grade. LYFL is a non-profit, non-commercial and non-partisan origination deriving all from registration fees, fundraising projects and donation from the local business community throughout Lassen County. Lassen Youth Football Coaches, Parents and Leaders will teach good sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership skills and the fundamentals of football. Most importantly the goal is for the children to have a wonderful and unforgettable experience. The Lassen Youth Football Leagues Program will begin in the Fall. We hope to see you on the field. Register online today!


to the home of the Lassen Youth Football League Grizzlies! The mission of the Lassen Youth Football and Cheerleading Organization located in Susanville, California is to provide a formal sports program for the youth between the ages of 5 and 14 years old or up to 8th grade. LYFL is a non-profit, non-commercial and non-partisan origination deriving all from registration fees, fundraising projects and donation from the local business community throughout Lassen County. Lassen Youth Coaches, Parents and Leaders will teach good sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership skills and the fundamentals of football and cheerleading. Most importantly the goal is for the children to have a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Football and Cheerleading will begin in the Fall.Β  Register online today!

Lassen Youth Football League’s Cheerleading Program is provided for youth between the age of 5 to 14 years old or up to 8th grade in cordination with the Football program. The mission of the Lassen Football Cheer Organization in Susanville, California is to provide a formal sports program for the youth in Lassen County. LYFL Cheer Coaches, Parents and Leaders will teach good sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership skills and the fundamentals of Cheerleading to ensure that your child is safe, gains confidence and is proud of their success. Most importantly the goal of our league is for the children to have a wonderful and unforgettable experience. The Lassen Youth Cheerleading Program will begin in the Fall. Register online today!

There are no upcoming events at this time.
leagues.bluesombrero.com/lassenfootballcheer?fbclid=IwY2xjawJGcvxleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHdSQP0uEYSQNWep... ... See MoreSee Less
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Football registration is league age on July 15th, you will register your child by the age they will be on july 15th 2025 as follows: 🏈6U 5-6🏈8U 7-8🏈10U 9-10🏈12U 11-12🏈14U 13-14Based upon registration numbers after the closing your child may be moved to accomodate team size based on age and experience. This includes the accommodation of a 7U, 9U, 11U, or 13U team should the numbers warrant the creation of those teams. If that happens we will fly for coaches to fill those positions. We will not be placing an athlete outside of the age guidelines at this time. πŸ’›Any questions please reach out via Facebook messanger to our registration coordinator. πŸ’œ ... See MoreSee Less
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πŸ‘€There has been quite a few questions regarding where to place your child when registering for cheer, we hope this helps: The League age date is July 15th. You will register your child as follows according to the age they will be on JULY 15TH 2025, πŸ“£JR TINY MITES 3-4 πŸ“£TINY MITES 5-6πŸ“£MITEY MITES 7-8πŸ“£JR PEE WEE 9-10πŸ“£PEEWEE 11-12πŸ“£VARSITY 13-14Once registration is complete your child may be moved up or down based on age and experience to accomodate rosters. As voted upon by your LYFL&C board, We will not be placing a child by request this season as it created an issue last year with roster finalization which is approved by Pop Warner Association. Competition squads will NOT be designated until after roster approval by PWA after the start of the season. πŸ—£We are accepting applications for coaches on each of the squads mentioned above until May 1st. Interviews and Selections will be made the 2nd week of May. If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to send our registration coordinator a message via facebook. πŸ’œπŸ’› ... See MoreSee Less
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If you are using the payment plan option to register with the early bird pricing you will not see it available today on our registration site. The system we use needs to be adjusted to accept the pricing breakdown. We will post as soon as we have it corrected, please allow some time for us to try and get that in for you. Thank you so much to the folks that brought that to our attention. ... See MoreSee Less
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